Writer Tag

from Burgess Taylor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCH37-Z0Zxs
Questions for the tag:
W– where- where do you do your best writing?
R– rituals- do you have any rituals you have to do when you want to write?
I– irritate- what irritates you most when you struggle with writing?
T– talent- what aspect of writing do you feel you’re most talented at?
E– essential- what part of writing is absolutely essential to who you are?
R– reflections- what is something that you’ve written that is a reflection that something that’s happened to you in your life?



W– where- where do you do your best writing?

At the big table in front of and facing my window.

Sometimes, when I’m writing a big project, and I feel in a rut, some hotel lounge or restaurant, with Wifi access. Or in a train.

Writing in a notebook, with a fountain pen, or on my tablet, I can do that on my couch or at the big table.

My big (expensive!) iMac PC is all set up and ready for me on its own small desk in front of me when I am sitting on my couch. But somehow I don’t seem to be able to write creatively on it.

Why? Who knows?


R– rituals- do you have any rituals you have to do when you want to write?

I don’t have any real rituals when I am going to write. Well, mostly I make sure when I start I have a cup of coffee with me, and I always take one or two of my vaping devices to have at hand all the time.

Sometimes, when I think I really need it, I add some small chocolates.

I wish I had a good ritual that would help me to get into the writing “zone”.


I– irritate- what irritates you most when you struggle with writing? My cat who can start doing just one meow a minute, but keep it up for up to 2 hours. When the men who are “taking care of” the green stuff in my street, come to work with their very old, very very noisy machines. Mostly 3 days in a row.

When I know I have an appointment that day, so my writing time is limited. Even if that time is an hour, or an hour and a half. I think that’s just crazy.

I can’t write much in a very noisy, very busy place.


T– talent- what aspect of writing do you feel you’re most talented at?

I I have any talent for writing, which I seriously doubt, it must be that I have a productive fantasy. I can come up with what to write most of the time. It’s the how I struggle with.
E– essential- what part of writing is absolutely essential to who you are?

I love to write the truth, even in a fantasy novel I like to put in a warning for the world.

In my blogs I am very clear with my opinions, no matter what. (Which is easy to say, living in the Netherlands, I know.)
R– reflections- what is something that you’ve written that is a reflection that something that’s happened to you in your life?

I have written a crime story about a women who killed her ex when he became a thread not just for her, but also for her daughter. And got away with it.

No I never killed anyone, and my ex never was a thread. But He had treated me badly for years, and apparently I had to get it out of me somehow.


♥ Where to find Burgess:
Blog: http://thewriteburgesstaylor.com/ …
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BurgessTaylor1

NaNoWriMo: https://nanowrimo.org/participants/bur